Friday, March 20, 2009

sou sou (why i miss japan part bazillion and two)

I used to visit Sou Sou all the time when I lived in Kyoto. It's this tiny little shop down an alley off a main road -- one of many little shops in Japan where you walk in and the city seems to melt away. The designs are alternately funky and traditional, with wild colors, kitschy patterns and some styles that just typify Japan.

The signature item is, of course, the split-toed shoes. Confession: I own six pairs. They are surprisingly comfortable and make you feel kind of like Spiderman, with an unnatural feeling of having a grip on the ground and the strange confidence that you could probably run straight up a brick wall.

If you are ever in Japan, check out one of their stores. And if you can read Japanese (or find someone to aid you), buy them online! I find myself clicking on their website every couple of months, dreaming of Kyoto, New York melting away...

Check them out at !

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