Monday, December 14, 2009

another cute calendar

I happen to be in the market for a calendar. I don't think I realized until very recently how much having a calendar right next to my workspace reassures me. There's something about seeing the days stacked in neat, organized rows that helps me wrap my head around the passage of time, and feel like the coming month might actually make some sense.

I felt very threatened today when I saw that my calendar was coming to an end. And apparently we may not be getting new ones. (Can anyone say budget cuts?)

I am told I can make a request for one. But forget that! I want a beautiful one. Something that will fill my bizarre need to see time as boxes, and also add some color to my (still barren, though I've been working there a month) wall.
A calendar like the one above.
I love the way that artist Jen Oaks evokes the different seasons using images of women and buildings; she gets a lot of symbolic mileage (and lovely colors) from a change in outfit or weather.
Lovely, lovely, lovely!
It's available for $26 at her etsy shop:

Or... maybe you'll be lucky and win one at Bright Yellow World. (But hopefully not luckier than me).

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